Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Latest Read: American Gods by Niel Gaiman

So for the past few years...or I guess I should say since I was a high school student, Niel Gaiman has been my favorite author. He has an interesting style of combing real world elements with a bit of a "fantasy" flavor. I guess the reason that this appeals to me so much is that I still have a bit of a fear of picking up a true fantasy genre book and reading it cover to cover. I can't really explain to you why that is other than to say that I feel like as soon as I do I'll never be able to go back to that point in my life when it is possible to say that I've never actually read a fantasy book. Just like the kids that watch anime, and play magic, will never be able to tell anyone (without lying through their teeth) that they don't do those things.

The first book that I ever read from Niel was a book called "Neverwhere", a book about a Londoner that helps a stranded street urchin who turns out not to be a street urchin at all. When he helps her he finds that he disappears to the "normal" world. His life, girlfriend, friends, and job are all gone and he is left to help the girl, and try to get his life back. It's a great read and consequently one of my favorite books. Gaiman has also written books that have gotten attention from movie makers as well. His bestseller "Stardust" was recently made into a movie and starred many well renound actors such as, Michelle Phifer and Rupert Everett. The animated film "Coraline" was also written by Gaiman.

I haven't found a book by Gaiman that I didn't like, however his book "American Gods" was one of my favorites to date. The novel does feature some adult language and should be read with discretion. the novel follows the story of a man named Shadow, or at least that's what everybody called him. He has recently been released from prison and he is approached by a mysterious man named Wednesday. Wednesday has an interesting proposition for shadow and at length with much persuasion Shadow comes to be he employee. As the story progresses we find out more and more about Wednesday and the kind of man he is...or perhaps he's more than just a man.

"American Gods" is a book that will challenge your perceptions and make you think. It is suspenseful and thought provoking. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a bit of fantasy thrown in with real life. you you can still admit that you've never actually read a "fantasy" novel.

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